#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class DLLNode
int data;
DLLNode *next, *prev;
DLLNode(int n) : data(n), next(nullptr), prev(nullptr) {}
class DLL
DLLNode *head;
head = nullptr;
bool empty()
return head == nullptr;
void InsertFromHead(int value)
// 1-declare a newnode and init with value
DLLNode *new_node = new DLLNode(value);
// 2-check if the list is empty--true--> head = newnode and terminate
if (empty())
head = new_node;
// insert
// 1-newnode points to head
new_node->next = head;
// 2-the prev of head point to newnode
head->prev = new_node;
// 3-move the head to newnode
head = new_node;
void InsertFromTail(int value)
// 1-declare a newnode and init with value
DLLNode *new_node = new DLLNode(value);
// 2-check if the list is empty--true--> head = newnode and terminate
if (empty())
head = new_node;
// 3- declare a temp and move to the last element
DLLNode *temp = head;
while (temp->next)
temp = temp->next;
// insert
// 1-prev of new point to the last elemtn
new_node->prev = temp;
// 2-last element point to the newelement
temp->next = new_node;
void InsertPos(int value, int pos)
// 1-declare a newnode and init with value
DLLNode *new_node = new DLLNode(value);
// 2-check if the list is empty true--> head = newnode and terminate
if (empty())
head = new_node;
// 3-pos > size pos = size
// if(pos>sz) pos = sz;
// 4-declare a temp ptr and iterat till the pos
DLLNode *temp = head;
for (int i = 1; i < pos - 1; temp = temp->next, i++)
// شبك الجديد الاول
// 1- newnode points to what the elemrnt in pos points
new_node->next = temp->next;
// 2- the prev of newnode points to the element in the pos
new_node->prev = temp;
// القديم بقاا
// 1- pos points to new node
temp->next = new_node;
// 2- the prev of what the new node points make it point to new node
temp->next->prev = new_node;
int sz()
int cntr = 0;
if (empty())
return cntr;
DLLNode *temp = head;
while (temp)
temp = temp->next;
return cntr;
bool IsFound(int n)
bool ret = false;
if (empty())
return ret;
DLLNode *temp = head;
while (temp)
if (temp->data == n)
ret = true;
temp = temp->next;
return ret;
int RemoveFromHead()
// check if it is empty--> terminate
int delval = -1;
if (empty())
return delval;
// check if this element is the last in the list
if (head->next == nullptr)
delval = head->data;
delete head;
head = nullptr;
return delval;
// store the the first node and its value
DLLNode *delptr = head;
delval = delptr->data;
// make the prev of the node after points to null
head->next->prev = nullptr;
// move head to this node
head = head->next;
delete delptr;
return delval;
int RemoveFromTail()
// check if it is empty--> terminate
int delval = -1;
if (empty())
return delval;
// check if this element is the last in the list
if (head->next == nullptr)
delval = head->data;
delete head;
head = nullptr;
return delval;
// declare temp node iterat till the last;
DLLNode *temp = head;
while (temp->next)
temp = temp->next;
delval = temp->data;
// store the the last node node and its value in delptr and its value in delval
// the next of the node before equal nullptr
temp->prev->next = nullptr;
delete temp;
return delval;
int RemovePos(int n, int pos)
// empty list or the n is not in the list
int delval = -1;
if (empty() or !IsFound(n))
return delval;
// this is only one element in list
if (head->next == nullptr)
delval = head->data;
delete head;
head = nullptr;
return delval;
// if(pos > sz) pos = sz;
DLLNode *temp = head;
// store the elemt in posistion pos
for (int i = 1; i < pos; i++, temp = temp->next);
DLLNode *delptr = temp;
delval = delptr->data;
// 1- cut the conection betw the pos and the node befor and make the node before to point
// to the node after the pos node
temp->prev->next = temp->next;
// 2 cut the connection between the node after and make the prev of node after to point
// the node before pos node
// this condetion as the pos may be the last since this next is nullptr ????!!!!! nullptr->prev errror
if (temp->next) {
temp->next->prev = temp->prev;
if(!temp->prev) {
head = head->next;
// 3- finally delete the pos node
delete delptr;
return delval;
void print()
if (empty())
DLLNode *temp = head;
while (temp)
cout << temp->data << ' ';
temp = temp->next;
cout << '\n';
int main()
freopen("Input.txt", "r", stdin);
DLL dll;
// Insert at head
cout << "After inserting at head (30, 20, 10):\n";
DLLNode *temp = dll.head;
// Insert at tail
cout << "After inserting at tail (5, 1):\n";
// Insert at position
dll.InsertPos(15, 2); // Insert 15 at position 2
cout << "After inserting 15 at position 2:\n";
// Remove from head
cout << "Removing from head: " << dll.RemoveFromHead() << "\n";
cout << "List after removing from head:\n";
// Remove from tail
cout << "Removing from tail: " << dll.RemoveFromTail() << "\n";
cout << "List after removing from tail:\n";
// Check if element is found
int searchValue = 15;
cout << "Is " << searchValue << " found? " << (dll.IsFound(searchValue) ? "Yes" : "No") << "\n";
// Remove a specific position
int removePos = 1;
cout << "Removing element at position " << removePos << ": " << dll.RemovePos(15, removePos) << "\n";
cout << "List after removing position " << removePos << ": ";
return 0;